Metal corrugate pipe culvert

Over 100 years ago, James Watson was granted a patent for corrugated steel pipe (CSP). Since then, CSP has proven to be a mainstay of the construction industry.

Metal corrugate pipe culvert

Over 100 years ago, James Watson was granted a patent for corrugated steel pipe (CSP). Since then, CSP has proven to be a mainstay of the construction industry. It is among the top-rated products for infrastructure because it withstands the stress of heavy traffic and unstable foundations better than most construction materials.

Research shows that CSP generally provides outstanding soil side durability. With proper coating and/or invert paving, CSP can provide a service life of 50-100 years for a wide range of environments and applications. Maintenance costs can be effectively controlled through modern structural and durability design criteria.

  • Highway ConstructionHighway Construction
  • Mine ProjectionMine Projection
  • Municipal EngineeringMunicipal Engineering
  • Irrigation EngineeringIrrigation Engineering
  • Railway Construction ProjectionRailway Construction Projection
  • Other ApplicationOther Application

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