MP150 corrugated steel pipe

Meeting the challenges of ground water, earthquakes, slope stability, and pile movement

Perforated CSP is used for the collection or dispersion of ground water.

MP150 corrugated steel pipe

Meeting the challenges of ground water, earthquakes, slope stability, and pile movement

Perforated CSP is used for the collection or dispersion of ground water.

Bridge support piles are able to move horizontally without damaging surrounding infrastructure when they are installed inside CSP caissons.

Corrugated Steel Pipe is the ideal solution for all Highway related projects requiring Water Management Solutions Plus.

The Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC) and many jurisdictions define a bridge as a structure with a span greater than three metres. Standard CSP culverts are available in diameters up to 3600 mm or in pipe arch shapes with spans up to 4370 mm. Long lengths of lightweight CSP make for fast, economical bridge installations.

  • Highway ConstructionHighway Construction
  • Mine ProjectionMine Projection
  • Municipal EngineeringMunicipal Engineering
  • Irrigation EngineeringIrrigation Engineering
  • Railway Construction ProjectionRailway Construction Projection
  • Other ApplicationOther Application

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