MP230 corrugated metal pipe

CSP is used to help create small dams for soil conservation and to supply water for livestock on ranches. It’s also used for larger dams to impound water for irrigation, hydro electric production, and recreation.

MP230 corrugated metal pipe

CSP is used to help create small dams for soil conservation and to supply water for livestock on ranches. It’s also used for larger dams to impound water for irrigation, hydro electric production, and recreation.

CSP can be installed underground or above ground as a lined caisson to collect and hold water for fire-fighting operations.

CSP culverts and small bridges provide strong, easily installed, economical crossings for heavy vehicles in remote forestry locations.

  • Highway ConstructionHighway Construction
  • Mine ProjectionMine Projection
  • Municipal EngineeringMunicipal Engineering
  • Irrigation EngineeringIrrigation Engineering
  • Railway Construction ProjectionRailway Construction Projection
  • Other ApplicationOther Application

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