Metal corrugated culvert pipe installation

Aug. 01, 2016

Do you want to know how install the metal corrugated culvert pipe?

1. all active components shall be external components are stuck or limit the scope of its activity, metal corrugated culvert should guarantee the active parts of normal movement.

2. predeformation auxiliary components should be used in pipe installation is removed.

3. after the water pressure test, should clear the water in wave shell, as soon as possible and quickly will wave shell surface dry.

4. contact with the compensator bellows heat preservation materials should not contain chlorine ion.

5. the corrugated metal culvert pipe before installation should check its type specification and pipeline configuration, must comply with the design requirements.

6. with inner sleeve compensator should pay attention to the inner sleeve of the bobbin in the direction of the flow in the same direction with the media, hinge hinge type compensator is rotational plane should be consistent with the rotational plane displacement.

7. hydrostatic test, coping with a compensator pipe terminal time of the department of the fixed frame for reinforcement, metal corrugated culvert pipe do not move or turn

metal culvert/

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